Apache PDFBox Tutorial
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Adding images

Apart from textual content, it is also possible to add images to PDF page. Apache PDFBox offers convenient APIs to add images and offers supports for wide variety of images including

  • JPG / JPEG
  • TIF / TIFF
  • GIF / BMP / PNG

The most easiest way of adding image to PDF, is to use PDImageXObject. The class offers methods createFromFile, createFromFileByExtension and createFromFileByContent etc., to get image instance either by file path or based on file extension or automatic determination of the image type.

Refer following code snippet, which adds a .png image to PDF page.

public class EmbedImage {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
        PDDocument pdDoc = new PDDocument();
        PDPage pdPage = addPage();

        addImageToPage(pdDoc, pdPage);


    private static PDPage addPage(){
        return new PDPage(PDRectangle.A4);

    private static void addImageToPage(PDDocument pdDoc, PDPage pdPage) throws Exception{
        PDImageXObject pdImage = PDImageXObject.createFromFile("d:/temp/android.png", pdDoc);
        PDPageContentStream contentStream = new PDPageContentStream(pdDoc, pdPage);

Note the addImageToPage method, it constructs an instance of PDImageXObject using PDImageXObject.createFromFile method, which accepts two arguments, file path and an instance of PDDocument.

To add an image, using stream, have a look at the PDImageXObject source code. The code has lot of hints about using streams and offers convenient API for determining file types. Additionally, the file provides hints about the list of Image formats currently supported by Apache PDFBox.
